Monday, 25 June 2012

Welcome to the Best Beginnings Blogathon

Welcome. My name is Kylie I am normally found at Not Even A Bag of Sugar. I am mother to Joseph who as born at 27 weeks gestation just over 3 years ago.

About 18 months ago I found out about a charity called Best Beginnings . At the time they were putting together a DVD called Small Wonders. This DVD is now completed, I have seen it, and its amazing.

Best Beginnings exist to adress inequalities in health care in the UK. When Joseph was born and was in the neonatal unit, I was confused. I learnt first hand that best practice in neonatal care is not as common as we would like to think. This DVD together with the Small Wonders Change Program addresses this.

I am truly passionate about the work of this charity and I want to help in some small way.

November 17th is World Prematurity Day. I am going to celebrate by blogging for 25 hours. Why 25? Well 4 posts an hour for 25 hours is 100 posts.

Here is how it will work.

  • I will commence blogging at 7pm on 16th November.
  • I am inviting bloggers from all over to help out. You can join me for all or some of that time.
  • I am inviting submissions from bloggers, parents, neonatal staff about your own experiences.
  • If you want to submit a post for me to use, I would like you to donate a minimum of £5 to Best Beginnings.
  • I would love sponsors, either by a donation or sponsor me per post.
  • I want to make this huge. I want to raise £5 000 for this charity.
Over the coming weeks I will create some pages so that all the information is to hand. If you wish to sign up and pledge your support email me at

Lets make this huge!